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< 원본 >
The Ultimate Building Mod!
- All items can be picked up(can disable pick up when damaged or prevent pick up after a certain time has elapsed)
- No building height limit
- Foundations are stackable
- Internal pipes and wires allow for exceptionally clean base building
- Triangle foundations, ceilings & roofs
- Full Glass tier (equivalent to metal & gives greenhouse effect)
- Glass foundations, walls, ceilings & hatchframes have 16 variations
- Fully adjustable transparency of the glass(1 way, 2 way, change color and level transparency, can set min transparency as well)
- Feeding Trough with adjustable range config setting and ability to set specific dino types that can use it
- Ceilings snap flush with foundations but are not sunken when snapped to walls
- Crop Plots snap to foundations & ceilings
- All Gates, Doors & Trapdoors can be set to auto open & close, auto close only or manual, you can also set a timer for how long to wait before auto closing
- Sloped Walls can snap to bottom of walls and ceilings
- Water pipes can be placed on rafts
- All noisy structures are silent
- All gas burning structures can run on either electricity or gas
- All items are crafted in the S+ Crafting Station & S+ Tek Replicator
- "Integrated Resource Pulling" (resource pulling directly integrated into the ARK inventory UI so its available in everything! All dinos, structures and yourself. Pull specific resources, pull enough to craft a certain number of the selected blueprint or enough to repair the selected item.
(Note: Resource pulling respects "Tribe Activation Rank" as there is an issue with "Tribe Inventory Access Rank")
(Note: Add an * to a structure or dino name to prevent pulling from it)
- Advanced Transfer Tool allows you to quickly distribute things evenly among structures(ie all bullets in non-turrets to all turrets, evenly)
- Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other side of bridge)
- All crafting stations and crop plots can be locked & pin coded
- Gateways snap in line with fence foundations instead of on top
- Wires and pipes can be hidden and vertical ones are only 1 wall high
- Includes a set of dynamic, flexible pipes & wires that will connect nearby pipes & wires (for linking up separate grids that wouldn't fit a normal pipe/wire)
- Large & behemoth versions of walls(4 tall & 12 tall respectively)
- Item Collector will collect poop, un-fertilized eggs, snail paste & pearls from Phoenixes, will also distribute poop to nearby compost bins & dung beetles
- Farmer will collect fertilizer from nearby compost bins & dung beetles then distribute it to nearby crop plots
- Gardener will collect your crops automatically
- Sheep Herder will shear nearby sheep
- Hatchery will collect nearby fertilized eggs & incubate them
- Nanny that acts as a feeding trough for babies and raises the imprint quality of nearby non-adult dinos
- Storage boxes will snap to each for perfect alignment
- Extensive config options allow you to tailor the mod to your needs
- 6 new automatic turrets (Flamethrower, Tranq, Minigun, Ballista, Cannon & Rocket)
- Numerous wonky snap points cleaned up
For a full list of features, refer to this discussion. The complete list is too long for the mod description.
Config Options:
There is an extensive list of config options that allow you to tailor this mod to your needs, see this discussion for all of the available options and their usage.
Note: there are a few items in this mod that you should be aware of as they may not fit your server. See this discussion for more information.
Special Thanks
- MythN7 for his work on the triangle ceiling, foundation and roof models. Check out his portfolio[www.artstation.com]!
- RedDwarf for introducing Stackable Foundations to us and also for his help working out the math required for the tek triangle roof.
Mod ID: 731604991
Spawn Codes[pasted.co]
My Other Mods:
Platforms Plus - Tree platforms with snap points and wedge pieces for multi-level construction.
Pillars Plus - Fully adjustable pillars.
Redwoods Anywhere - Grow redwoods that support tree platforms anywhere.
Platforms Anywhere - 30 different non-tree structures that support a tree platform.
Snappy Saddles - Saddle platform extensions with snap points and ability to increase build distance and structure limit.
Light Controller - Automatically turns all lights and torches on at dusk and off at dawn.
Inventory Cleaner - Cleans your inventory of items you select, so you never have to sort through junk while harvesting again.
Super Spyglass - If a spyglass had a baby with a magnifying glass...
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